Although nothing tops whiskey in a glass, whiskey in song runs a close second — whether it’s a party anthem or a ballad about a romance gone to hell. Here’s a list of 20 of the latest, greatest songs about whiskey. Pour one and enjoy. […]

This year’s Rebel 10-Year Single Barrel Bourbon will look a little different on shelves in 2021. But don’t worry, the time-honored recipe and taste you’ve come to expect from Rebel 10-year remains the same. Each barrel is meticulously crafted to build a unique flavor profile.

You’ll want to start planning now for three back-to-back music festivals in September that will bring together legendary bands and Rebel Bourbon. The festivals take place at Highland Festival Grounds, a new venue at the Kentucky Exposition Center in Louisville.

Great as it is, Rebel Yell bourbon can’t take all the credit for a life lived rebelliously. Here’s what else you should be thankful for this time of year.

With the start of summer comes your other favorite season: music festival season, when you get to kick back, listen to your favorite bands, and raise hell with your fellow noisemakers. […]