

How to Make Badass Barrel-Aged Cocktails at Home
How to Make Badass Barrel-Aged Cocktails at Home

Look, anyone can throw together a basic cocktail and call it a day, but if you want to really up your game and give your drinks some serious attitude, it’s time to dive into the world of barrel-aging your cocktails.

There’s something about the depth and complexity of aging your favorite cocktail in a barrel that takes it from good to downright badass. And if you’re gonna do it right, you better be using Rebel Bourbon as the base for your creations.

Let’s get into how to turn your home bar into a full-blown barrel-aging operation and make cocktails that your friends won’t stop talking about.

Why Barrel-Age Cocktails?

Why settle for the same old thing when you can infuse your cocktails with richer flavors and complexity? Barrel-aging gives your cocktail a chance to mellow out, deepen, and take on those smoky, oaky notes that make bourbon lovers weak in the knees. Whether you’re throwing a party or just flexing your skills on a quiet night in, barrel-aging transforms your cocktail into anything but ordinary.

Step 1: Grab a Small Barrel

First things first—you’re going to need a barrel. Don’t go trying to stuff a full-size barrel into your kitchen. You’re looking for a small, charred oak barrel between 1 and 5 liters. You can snag one online or hit up your local distillery or specialty store to find something that speaks to your rebellious spirit. Make sure it’s charred on the inside because that’s where all the magic happens.

Step 2: Choose Your Cocktail

Not all cocktails are made for barrel aging, but the ones that are? They’ll knock your socks off. Here are a few badass cocktails that pair perfectly with Rebel Bourbon and a little time in the barrel:

Old Fashioned: A true classic, but aged in a barrel? Now you’re talking next-level smoothness. The sugar, bitters, and bourbon blend together and pick up some extra spice and oak. It’s like the Old Fashioned decided to hit the gym.

How to Make a Barrel-Aged Old Fashioned

Aged in a barrel, the Old Fashioned becomes smoother, with hints of oak and spice from the wood.


  • 1 liter Rebel 100 Bourbon
  • 2 oz simple syrup
  • 20 dashes Angostura bitters
  • 2-3 orange peels (optional)


  1. In a large pitcher, combine Rebel Bourbon, simple syrup, and Angostura bitters.
  2. Add the orange peels for extra citrus notes (optional).
  3. Pour the mixture into your prepared barrel.
  4. Age for 1-4 weeks, tasting weekly to gauge the flavor.
  5. Serve over a large ice cube and garnish with an orange twist or a cherry.

Read: Five Rebellious Old-Fashioned Cocktails to Try

Manhattan: This cocktail was practically made to be barrel-aged. The sweet vermouth and Rebel Bourbon come together over time, creating a silky, rich drink that packs a punch.

How to Make a Barrel-Aged Manhattan

The Manhattan gets even more complex when aged, balancing sweet, spicy, and oaky flavors.



  1. Mix Rebel Bourbon, sweet vermouth, dry vermouth, and bitters in a pitcher.
  2. Pour the mixture into your prepared barrel.
  3. Let it age for 2-4 weeks, sampling regularly to get your desired flavor.

Pour into a chilled glass, garnish with a cherry, and enjoy the oaky, smooth finish.

Boulevardier: You’re already a badass if you drink a Boulevardier, but aging it? That’s on another level. The combo of bourbon, Campari, and sweet vermouth mellows out, while still keeping that bitter edge.

How to Make a Barrel-Aged Boulevardier

This bold cocktail gets a little smoother and rounder with time in the barrel while still keeping its bitter edge.



  1. Combine Rebel Bourbon, Campari, and sweet vermouth in a pitcher.
  2. Pour the mixture into your barrel and seal it tight.
  3. Age for 2-4 weeks, tasting weekly to ensure the flavors balance out.
  4. Serve over ice with an orange peel for garnish.

Step 3: Prep Your Barrel

Before you pour anything in, your barrel needs a little prep. Fill it with water and let it sit for 24-48 hours to ensure it’s sealed tight and ready for action. Once your barrel isn’t leaking and is good to go, drain the water, and it’s time to get serious.

Step 4: Mix and Pour

Make your cocktail as you normally would—just on a bigger scale. You’re going to need enough to fill that barrel, so grab a pitcher and mix up a big batch. The proportions stay the same, but you’re thinking in liters now, not ounces. Once it’s all mixed up, pour it into the barrel, seal it up, and let it sit.

Read: Rye Whiskey Cocktails Worth of Rebel 100

Step 5: Wait it Out

This is where the magic happens, but it will take a minute. The sweet spot is usually between 1-4 weeks, depending on your taste and the size of your barrel. The smaller the barrel, the faster it ages, so don’t forget to taste-test every week or so. When it’s just right, you’ll know.

Step 6: Pour and Enjoy

When your cocktail has hit that perfect flavor, it’s time to pour it out and let the good times roll. Bottle it up if you want to save some for later, or go ahead and serve it straight from the barrel. Throw in a large ice cube, garnish with an orange twist or cherry (because why not), and kick back with your masterpiece.

Making barrel-aged cocktails at home isn’t just for the pros—it’s for rebels who want to take their cocktail game to the next level. With a little patience, a solid barrel, and the bold flavor of Rebel Bourbon, you’ll be sipping on some of the best damn cocktails you’ve ever had.

So go ahead, grab that barrel, mix up a batch, and start aging. Your inner rebel will thank you.

Find Rebel Bourbon near you.